
Last updated - Mar 18, 2024 at 3:15PM


The mobile app uses a sync process to push and pull data to and from your TimeDock account, to keep your web dashboard and the mobile app up to date with the latest data.

The app will automatically attempt to sync periodically, with the length of time since the last sync being displayed in small text underneath the TimeDock logo on the main app screen.

When the mobile app is actively open and the device has an internet connection, data should be pushed and pulled in real-time without it needing to go through a sync process. The purpose of the sync process is to update any new/changed data while the device was offline or the app was closed.

Mobile app last sync info

Offline mode

When the mobile app is used in an area with no internet connection, the app will continue to function as normal, however the app will not be able to sync data until an internet connection is restored. The app will continue to attempt to sync data in the background, and once a connection is restored, the app will sync any missed data.

Due to device OS constraints, background syncing (syncing when the app is in the background or closed) is not always reliable or even possible. Whilst the app does attempt background syncing, we don't recomment to rely on it solely. If the device has made clock entries while offline, the best approach is to re-open the TimeDock app once internet is restored to ensure that the data is successfully synced.

Force sync

Instead of waiting for a period sync to occurr, you can force the app to sync by tapping on the last sync text displayed underneath the TimeDock logo on the main app screen. Once pressed, the text will change to "Syncing" and after a few seconds (depending on the amount of data to sync), if successful, the text will change to "Full sync 0 Minutes ago".

If the text reverts back to the timeframe prior to your sync this indicates that the device does not have a valid internet connection or there's a data problem. See Syncing issues for more information and remedy steps.

Sync reset

The normal sync process will push and pull any new data since the last time a sync was performed. If you need to refresh the data on your device you can perform a sync reset which will clear the pulled data on the device (job list, employee list, user settings etc.) and re-pull all relevant data from your TimeDock account, rather than only new data since the previous sync date.

To perform a sync reset, press and hold the last sync text displayed underneath the TimeDock logo on the main app screen for 3 seconds. This will initial a new full sync and once successfully complete, you should see the text change to "Full sync 0 Minutes ago".

Depending on the amount of data within your TimeDock account, this process will take longer than a standard sync process, and you may see the last sync text displaying time frames from long in the past. These time frames should start to reduce as the historic data from your account is pulled down to the device.

See also