Exporting time-sheets from TimeDock into KeyPay

Last updated - Dec 08, 2020 at 8:30AM

Before exporting to KeyPay first make sure that the Payroll ID for each of your employees in TimeDock match each employee reference code within KeyPay.

Export timesheet file from TimeDock

  1. Login to your TimeDock account and navigate to Export.

  2. Choose KeyPay from the list of export formats.

  3. Select your timesheet date range by modifying the From and To filters. You can also choose a different rounding option or filter the exported timesheets by a specific department.

  4. Choose if you want to create automatic break deductions by changing the settings in the Break Deductions box.

  5. Click Download File to save the timesheet file to your computer.

Import timesheet file into KeyPay

  1. Login to your QuickBooks Online account with KeyPay addon.

  2. Navigate to Employees.

  3. Click on an employee name to view their Employee Details.

  4. Ensure that the External Id field matched the Payroll ID field for that employee in TimeDock.

  5. Navigate to Pay Run Defaults on the left-hand menu.

  6. Ensure that the Timesheets option is selected to Use timesheets to submit all time worked and Pay these earnings by default in a pay run is left un-ticked.

  7. Optionally select a Pay Condition Rule Set.

  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for each employee.

  9. On the right-hand side of the Employees screen click on the Manage Employees dropdown and select Import Timesheets.

  10. Ensure the Import timesheets from option is selected to Custom file upload.

  11. Click Select File... and select the timesheet file you downloaded from TimeDock.

  12. Click Confirm upload?.

  13. Change any settings based on your business requirements and when you're ready click Import.

  14. Return to the Employees screen and click on the Pay Runs tab above the employee table.

  15. Add a pay run if you haven't already. If you have, click to open the pay run.

  16. Click on the Pay Run Actions dropdown and select Import timesheets.

  17. A pop-up will appear with options for which timesheets to import. Select your preferred option and click Import.

  18. Your pay run will now include employee hours from your TimeDock timesheets. Click on an employee name to expand the details and view each shift hours that make up the pay run Total Hours.

See also